Creative Burnout: 5 Simple Ways to Reconnect With Your Process in 2023


If you’re dealing with creative burnout, overwhelm, or feeling stuck, I know exactly how you feel. In today’s post, we’ll talk about 5 ways to get your inspiration back and climb out of an artist rut.

These tips have helped me deal with creative block and artist burnout. I hope they do the same for you…

Tip 1: Pay attention to how you feel.

You don’t have to go on pretending that everything is ok when something feels off. Change comes naturally and maybe your body is telling you that it’s time to do something different. Write down how you feel or talk to a friend.

Tip 2: Take a step back.

It’s ok to pause. Ask yourself if you like the artwork that you’re putting out. Are you looking at others and not inward? Do you feel like you’re just trying to keep up and you’re out of control? Hold up, wait a minute. Decide if this is the path you want to continue on or if you need to adjust.

Tip 3: Reflect on what you love.

Remember what you love about art. I love painting, it doesn’t matter what it is, I just like the act of putting paint down. What projects make you excited to create? Is there something you’ve always wanted to paint but never had the time?

Tip 4: Plan out one small project to work on.

Draw a different rose for 7 days. Paint a beach sunset on glass. Photograph your favorite tree at the park and use it in a collage. If your plans are too complex, it might keep you from making anything. Just keep it simple.

Tip 5: Slowly get back to creating again.

We want to work from a place of curiosity, strength, and inspiration not a place of desperation and approval-seeking. You have it in you to keep creating beautiful artwork.

5 Additional Tips In Action

Would you like to reconnect to your artwork? Are you struggling to find the inspiration and passion you used to have? In my workbook, we'll explore proven techniques and exercises that will help you rediscover your creativity, rebuild your passion, and find joy in the artistic process once again.

7-Day Creative Jump Start

A creative recovery workbook for visual artists.

I took a break from posting on social media as well. THAT WAS THE BEST DECISION EVER

Specifically Instagram (and Facebook). I wanted to stop worrying about what to post when to post, and how many likes I would get. I’ve been able to take that energy and put it in other places, like my Youtube channel. I’ve been recording again and plan to upload more frequently.

4 Things to Avoid:

Tip 1: Too much change. A lot of advice will tell you to try a different medium and while that can help, sticking to what you know can be the fastest way to help you feel better. Introducing another medium ON TOP of what you’re already familiar with can give you a newfound appreciation for the beautiful skill set you already have.

Tip 2: Sharing too soon. If you’re coming off of severe burnout, hold off on sharing. You don’t have anything to prove. Get excited about your work first.

Tip 3: Self-doubt. It will always be an uphill battle if you continue to doubt yourself. Keep your thoughts focused on taking small steps instead of always having a perfect painting.

Tip 4: Not having any fun. You have to enjoy what you do. If not, then you’d eventually stop doing it. The thing is, if we like something, we want to do it a lot. If you ate cake at every meal you’d get sick of eating it. Remember to switch it up and make it fun for yourself.

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